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Title Companies in Massachusetts: Seamless Real Estate Transactions

Title Companies in Massachusetts: Seamless Real Estate Transactions From first-time homebuyer to seasoned investor or real estate professional, no one is immune to the intricacies involved in a Massachusetts real estate transaction. So far as involvement in this whole process goes, the title company is probably key. While attorneys predominantly perform real estate closings in […]

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Abstractor Definition: How They Help in Property Title Searching

Abstractor Definition: How They Help in Property Title Searching Looking to buy or finance real estate, the entire process pretty much revolves around ascertaining legal history and ownership details about the property. The role of a title abstractor definition comes into play here. An abstractor is an individual who helps in the property title searching […]

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Understanding Mineral Rights & Ownership

Understanding Mineral Rights & Ownership What Are Mineral Rights? Mineral rights give you the legal ability to explore, extract, and benefit from the minerals beneath your property. They’re entirely separate from surface rights, which means someone else could technically own the resources underground while you own the land above. Minerals covered under these rights include […]

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How Property Lines Work: Easements and Rights-of-Way

Easements and Rights-of-Way Property ownership is not always as clear-cut as the fences that may define it. Two terms that are often confused with each other include "easement" and "right-of-way." While they both involve the use of land, they are actually different legal concepts that carry different meanings for property owners. Understanding the differences is […]

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